Pupula Duplex

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Pupula Duplex. Ancient Chinese warlord Xiang Yu suffered from pupula duplex. Httpamznto2pOg2lRBrain Gain for Focus.

Pupula Duplex Hoax Or Fact Read Pupula Duplex Is A Latin Term Which Means Double Pupil And Is Thought To Be Rare Eyes Rare Eye Colors Cool Eyes
Pupula Duplex Hoax Or Fact Read Pupula Duplex Is A Latin Term Which Means Double Pupil And Is Thought To Be Rare Eyes Rare Eye Colors Cool Eyes

This condition does not officially exist in the official literature. The primary sign of polycoria is the appearance of two pupils. Design is printed onto a red and white woven cotton fabric.

In popular culture it is thought to be a sign of the evil eye and also to give one better eyesight.

Pupula Duplex is a Latin term which means double pupil and is thought to be a condition in which a person develops two irises corneas and retinas on the same eyeball of each eye. It is thought to be a condition where a person develops two irises corneas and retinas on the same eyeball of each eye. Ancient Chinese warlord Xiang Yu suffered from pupula duplex. It is assumed that a state in which a person carries two iris cornea and retina the eye being the same for each eye.