Cam Elyaf

Hepsi Burada

Cam Elyaf. Cam Elyaf Grafitli Örgülü Yuvarlak Salmastra. Silikon H Clas Cam Elyaf Makaron.

Aluminyum Folyo Lamine Edilmis Cam Elyaf Kumaslar Aluminyumfolyocamelyafkumas Aluminyumkumas Camelyafkumas Kumas Aluminyum Folyo Urunler
Aluminyum Folyo Lamine Edilmis Cam Elyaf Kumaslar Aluminyumfolyocamelyafkumas Aluminyumkumas Camelyafkumas Kumas Aluminyum Folyo Urunler

Şişecam started the process of becoming a holding company. The four main product groups the Company is engaged in are. Ürünü İncele Cam Elyaf Grafitli Şerit Salmastra.

The four main product groups the Company is engaged in are.

It also produces unsaturated polyester resins gel-coats and pigment pastes. The Companys line of business includes the manufacturing of pressed and blown glass. Cam Elyaf Sanayii AŞ acquired know-how from NGF Japan and the foundations of a 4000-ton furnace were laid for the production of glass-fiber reinforced materials. PVC İzoleli Çizgili Makaron.